May 15, 2009 at 2:30 pm

I have been usung the Step Smart Brace (google Inovative Products) You need to print out the info and take it to your ortho or podatrist. I have been using them for over 4 years and there great. I am also waiting to receive a new pair (I too have severe drop foot in both L/R) The company Allard Inc is a brace that straps on the shin and is carbon fiber. Without insurance they are about 800 bucks each but with insurance they are 300 for the pair! They are definitely worth the inbvestment so don;t have sticker shock…If you truly need them think of them as a car. They allow you to walk better and with less effort. The carbon fiber is strong and light, they have helped others with drop foot get back to running which is amazing. I don;t plan on running but I know they are worth the money. Google AFOs and you’d be surprised whats out there. Good luck.