We are all glad that the neurologist is going to be aggressive and plans to get this “back under control”. I am glad you are back with someone you are comfortable with.
Regarding the cane, I agree with Julie and others–it is more important to live life and be safe than what you look like. I decided if a cane helps me to make it through the day and do much of what I want to do–it is definitely worth it. As was stated, just don’t make a big deal about it and others will not either. When people asked me about my cane, I tend to say something vague and not always relevant and laugh. Like I will say, “yeah, it is tough getting older” or “I am trying out new fashion assessories. What do you think?”. You can also say “I played too much football when I was young” it is not relevant, who knows if it is true because it depends on the definition of too much….To me, it was too much although I probably played only a few times. Or if someone asks about my leg, I say “it is getting better, thank you” and just do not fill in that there was nothing specifically wrong with the leg any way–because nerves are in the leg…..
WithHope for a cure of these diseases
We are all glad that Emily has had a rapid reversal of symptoms with the IV IgG and hope that there has been little added damage. It is hoped that this was just a little baby step backward and that slowing down the weaning will make all the difference. It would sure be great if there were a sign saying the level of disease activity rather than having to wait and base decisions on something as big as symptoms.
WithHope for a cure of these diseases