Getting the headache is one thing? RESULTS another.

May 5, 2011 at 7:04 pm

Results first? When did and for how long did you feel BETTER than average? Make notes…when [how many days after, for example] did you feel less effect? make notes. Key here is notes as to changes good and bad thruout.
Headache? Ask the neuro about the rates given to you for your infusion.. I’ll bet if it took less than 4-5 hours? IVIG was given to you too fast for an ‘introduction’. Soo ASK the DOC about the rates? And should you maybe be pre-medicated [meaning at first and mostly for many w/Tylenol and Benedryl].
I chose the IVIG for several reasons, steroids were out as I was borderline osteo; chemo meds were out after a year as I’d gotten Cancer. The IVIG was a simple [tho not really so simple?] more ‘organic’ way to get treated.
Fewer side effects [if given properly] than steroids and other therapies. Luckily I have done well on it for the greater part. And having other new issues that required surgery? IF you time it right? You’re less likely to get an infection! Better yet? I’ve not had a bad cold or worse since I’ve been on it! And I used to get at least 3 bad colds a year!
Of course, many docs in many plans will ‘go’ for the cheaper treatments if they can. IVIG can be verry expensive, unless you have good insurance. I hope and pray that you do! TRULY!