GBS is no fun….
🙁 So sorry to hear that this has happenned to your brother… The others have posted a pretty good picture of things he is probably experiencing.. I wasnt’ in the hospital long with my gbs (only 5 days..).. I probably left sooner than I should have.. And my gbs reached up to my face, and partial breathing probs. , but no vent..
I remember swallowing was real difficult, and my tongue was numb.. nerve damage?
constipation was a big issue (stool softeners) helped
Pain was terrible.. I had really bad back pains, and a lot of pain in feet.. couldn’t have anything covering my feet initially.. I was really uncomfortable in the hospital bed, and my wife bought me pajamas and slippers, that I wore.. the neuros at the hospital didn’t seem to care….,
Sleep was a real problem.. My wife had a talk with the staff, and got a don’t disturb sign on door to hang in the wee early morning hours, cause I just wasn’t able to sleep.. They took blood constantly, monitored breathing, iv, ivig, etc….
I had a room by myself thank goodness, so privacy was great… My wife stayed with me the last 4 days.. Loneliness is tough….
I contracted gbs 10/15/07.. The doctors now think I have cidp.., and am being treated with ivig and steroids… But, I have regained a lot of strength, and do a lot of the things I did before gbs.. I tire real easy now, so I rest a lot, and I’m still a long ways off, from returning to previous work schedule, if ever… Right now I’m still not working… But, I will get there….
Good Luck, and keep asking questions.. We all learn something…dean
P.S. The insomnia could be drug related.. I was only on pain meds in the hospital.. Of course, I didn’t sleep hardly in the hospital.. When I got home, yes there were a lot of sleepless nights.. A lot due to pain, internal organ problems, bowel movements.. (Even your butts numb, try sitting on a toilet seat!), not including the stress, depression, and other issues… And, yes he wants to go home, and I wouldn’t blame him for sobbing and telling you to get him outta there.. He’s got a helpless feeling right now, and everyone else is in control of his destiny, at the moment.. That ain’t easy to take.. I was never so happy, as getting checked out of that hospital, when the last drip of ivig, went thru me…..Oops.. Also forgot how upset my stomach was during this whole ordeal… Pepcid helped… Never had such heartburn, other issues..