GBS and Heart Problems

May 6, 2007 at 11:06 am

Yesterday, Saturday May 5th, the MN chapter of GBS met with Dr Parry. Truely a great and informative meeting with so many wonderful people in attendance.

Dr Parry, as an expert in GBS told me that whil GBS may affect the heart during the accute stages of the disease, the heart is part of the autonomic nervous system and that GBS does not affect the heart long term. THANK GOD FOR THAT. Which means the Army’s Family Practice doctor is WRONG. With now being able to prove that, the Army doesnt stand a chance.

We of course still do not know the underlying cause of his heart condition, (supraventricular tachycardia) and we suspect that it may have been caused by the vaccines, specifically the Anthrax Vaccine that the Army gave him. Anthrax Vaccine is specifically contra-indicated for GBS patients. Currently Anthrax is a MANDATORY vaccine in the military after receiving FDA approval this past winter. Which is why I am so concerned about reaching out to others in the military who might have had GBS. Having become an advocate for my son during all of this I have gained a wealth of information that I am more than willing to share with others in this particular situation. GBS patients must be ever allert to what may possibly cause them further damage.