Gammagard reclassified by FDA?

December 19, 2010 at 8:07 pm

So, I get a letter from my insurance company’s provider of Gammagard 10% Liq 20 Grams VI (Baxter) saying ‘our records show you you are currently using the generic version of Gammagard… and we are informing you that the U.S. Food & Drug Admin has reclassified it as a branded drug effective Jan 1, 2011. As a result the med will be charged at your plan’s brand-name amount…if you don’t want to pay that … contact your doctor for alternative therapy options’ !!!

If I can’t afford the new surprise or find a generic equivalent, I have no idea what to expect. I’ve been on IVIG at least 10+ years and can’t imagine ‘life’ without it. Other ‘pills’ just don’t work on me and IVIG works!!! I don’t have all the ‘facts’ yet but this doesn’t sound good at all. Last month they doubled my co-pay and now this.

Of course, I will fight with all I have (left) and am a good self-advocater. Are we seeing the ‘beginning’ of government-managed health care?

Any one else been re-branded or know of an generic equivalent?