from bmarder

June 22, 2006 at 8:16 am

[QUOTE=Nathaniel’s Momma]I need some advice-has anyone been successful with weight loss and GBS. I got GBS last Oct. from childbirth, so I still have my baby weight and then some! It’s hard to exercise because of the fatigue and I just can’t lift the weights like before. Hey,I am having a time with my ever-growing baby!! Please let me know your success stories-thanks! and please take care-Kim[/QUOTE]
🙂 I gained a ton of weight being depressed an bedridden and unable to walk with GBS. Thankfully I recovered and am back in my classroom-albeit with 50 extra pounds. I have severe neuropathy in my feet. I have started swimming recently at a local comm. center-I am sarting to feel better already-many of these have childcare. Good luck!