For Marc et al–
I tried to get the repeat of the show by going onto the Speed Cable channel in hopes that might have archived the program– no luck -but if the program can be DVD’d I’m sure that it can somehow get on line.( so say my IT people)
Getting the GBS message out is truly a noble cause — so many people including the medical world have little knowledge of what we endure. I’m proud to have been asked by Burke Rehab Hosp.(White Plains NY) to be interviewed for their annual report for 2006.
I guess I will now have to get Tivo so I can record these programs — with my early to bed routine I’m missing to much ..
Just anothe quick note — you advised me sometime ago on my articulated AFOs -moving along well as they now need some adjustment — sit/stand so close after months and moving from walker to loftstrands — 33 months and counting – (also passed the driving test 4 wheels only! )
All the best to you and your many fans
Robert L