Food sources for vitamin B12

January 4, 2007 at 12:27 pm

Hi Everybody,

[B]RE: Is my brother currently taking B12?[/B]
No he’s not — he’s newly diagnosed and is still in rehab. I’m going to mention this information I found about B12 to my brother and have him talk to his doctor about supplementing and/or testing for a deficiency. I don’t think supplementing will be a “cure” — but am just wondering if it will help him recover more quickly because of B12’s association with the myelin sheath and also fatigue. — ??? —

One common note throughout the articles I’ve read is that a B12 deficiency can be caused by low stomach acid (hydrochloric acid). I have read this idea / suggestion in other research that I’ve done (vitiligo) — mostly in “alternative” medicine type publications — that low stomach acid is involved in many autoimmune diseases . Vitiligo is a skin condition — thought to autoimmune — where the skin loses it’s ability to pigment. Having low stomach acid affects the way food / nutrition is digested by the body and poor digestion can lead to “Leaky Gut Syndrome” — which is a whole other topic. ANYWAY… your ability to properly digest nutrition is another ‘thing’ to consider when you approach your health care nutritionally. And that’s true whether or you use supplements or not.

I think it’s a good idea to check with your doctor before taking supplements — I treat taking my supplements like medicine. You always have to consider toxicity concerns, however, I did find this info on B12 (below) – but somewhere else they may dispute this information — so again… CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR.

[QUOTE][B]What is the health risk of too much vitamin B12?[/B]

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies did not establish a UL for this vitamin because vitamin B12 has a very low potential for toxicity. The IOM states that “no adverse effects have been associated with excess vitamin B12 intake from food and supplements in healthy individuals” [7]. In fact, the IOM recommends that adults older than 50 years get most of their vitamin B12 from vitamin supplements or fortified food because of the high incidence of impaired absorption in this age group of vitamin B12 from foods that come from animals [7]. [/QUOTE]

[B]Here’s a link discussing B12 food sources:[/B]

[B]Here’s a link discussing B12 injections vs oral administration:[/B]

The research I do is kind of “my thing” — I have autoimmune issues, so I’m always looking for nutritional aspects that I think might relate. My kids are grown, but I want them to have the information about nutritional associations in hopes that maybe the autoimmune issues won’t hit them. I tell them that we don’t have control over the genetic aspects, but we have absolute control over –our attitude, diet (nutrition), and exercise.

ANYWAY — I’ve read in some posts where it can be hard for GBSers to type. I don’t have that problem so if there is an area of interest I will be happy to research and share what I find.

Best wishes…