
May 5, 2008 at 1:21 am

I am glad that others find that their cognitive function has been reduced…I ended up having to “retire” from my profession because I was not able to do all the things that I had done for so many years. It was by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Before I left work, I had a cognitive functioning test at the hospital. The result was that while all the bits were intact, my memory was poor, and my ability to do chain logic (more than one transaction at a time – sorry – I can’t remember the proper name of it!!) in my head was severely reduced. The technician also said that it was very obvious that fatigue was a big part of the problem – even though the test was first thing in the day, it was clear that I was struggling with it after only about 30 minutes.

Now, I work 10 hours a week and have disability to top it up. I tried to up my hours at one point, but I couldn’t mentally keep up. All my docs (including the pain specialist) insist that it is the medication talking. I have IVIg 2 days a month, take Gapabentin, Tramadol (an opiate), and Efexor. The fog has been a problem for about 3 years now.

No matter what the cause, it is VERY frustrating. It is heartening to hear that it might improve over time.
