Eric the Bear Man

June 2, 2008 at 3:45 pm

Hello from Beth. I was dx with CIDP in Nov 2007 and Anti-Mag IgM with CIDP presentation in Jan. 2008
I was a very independent person. Me do it myself kind of gal. Within two months went from functioning to be totally dependent on my husband. Now have walkers, shower stools, E-Z electric Power Chair.
For over five months could hardly sit up. Was able to stand for less than 15 seconds.
Had to learn, when I could and could not push myself.
After ten treatments of plasmaphresis I’m able to walk in the house without the walker. Look like a drunk goose with flippers, but at least I’m on my feet. Can also stand for about five minutes, so back to doing some chores around the house.
I take Prednisone 70 mg and alternate with 30 mg, Cellcept was tried and stopped after six months.
I hope something starts working on you and you start to show improvement.
When your body says rest, rest is what you have to do.
How old are your children?
Will be thinking of you and praying for you. Sorry to know you under these circumstances.
The only way we have to go at this time is up.