Easy Peasey Slightly Greasy Chicken pieces

April 17, 2008 at 5:15 am

A lady in the checkout lane at the grocery store gave me this little gem…

Chicken fingers (or pieces sliced small)
Chili pepper
Brown sugar

Cut chicken into finger sized pieces, wrap bacon around chicken and secure with a toothpick. Roll in half-and-half mix of chili pepper and brown sugar, if it doesn’t stick you can either 1) wet your chicken and bacon with water 2) spray them with cooking oil or 3) beat and egg and dip them in the egg before rolling. Place on a baking tray (you can cram them in there, doesn’t matter if they are touching) and bake at 350 for about 10 minutes depending on how big your chicken and how thick your bacon.

It’s SO EASY, freezes well, and microwaves well. If you lose some of the flavoring you can recoat it with chili pepper and brown sugar before reheating.

OK so it’s not healthy… but remember I told you about my husband the picky eater…

Oh… and I found out the hard way you really don’t want to have any cuts on your hands while you are rolling the chicken in the chili pepper. And please remember not to rub your eyes until you wash your hands.