Don’t fit your criteria of treatment by IVIG only, But-
In the approximately 1.5 years I had treatment by IVIG only I did not experience significant remission, merely a slowing of decline. I certainly would not classify any conventional treatment as a cure-all.
One answer to your question, at least in the opinion of this neuromuscular specialist from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) at La Jolla is, “IVIG alone does nothing to promote remission.”
The Phoenix Neurological Associates website (a part of 1 of 7 Centers of Excellence for GBS-CIDP) has this to say,
“CIDP Cure Once the process begins in CIDP there does not appear to be any way to cure it. There are however many form of medical therapy to treat the disease. The disease also may have periods of remission and then have periods of relapse but in most patients they will require some form of therapy for life.”
And that brings us to consideration of The Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Stem Cell Transplant, which may provide remission and/or cure.
I recently went to IVIG 3 days every three weeks for about 4 months. But, I experienced continued decline. I am now back on 1 time per week.