doc david

December 23, 2007 at 11:35 am

I think about our members when we don’t hear from them too. Has anyone tried to go to the UK site to see if he’s posting there?

We haven’t heard from FIREMAN DAVE (Cap’n Dave) either.

And I’ve been worried about MIAMI GIRL, but know she needs to get past the holidays and the grief at the loss of a loved one.

Doc David

April 28, 2007 at 10:55 am

It is so much easier to deal with our own struggles than to watch our
children struggle.
My daughter is also pregnant, I can’t even imagine the stress you are
dealing with.
My prayer for healing is included in those of this forum as we all storm
the heavens for Jane.
Trust in the goodness of God, and all will be well.
Maureen Boz

Doc David

November 15, 2006 at 8:53 pm

[QUOTE=DavidBod]Mom’s just a bit of haematology. Red cells are red, shaped like doughnuts, a torus to the mathematician; they carry oxygen on the pigment haemoglobin to supply oxygen to body tissues.

White cells are a variety of clear envelopes with granular nuclei; some are T cells, some are B cells, as a group these are granulocytes dealing with defence and immunity; another group of white cells are monoytes, envelopes with a single robust nucleus, these are the rubbish carts for removing waste material resulting from the work of the granulocytes.

Finally there are platelets which provide some of the factors needed to cause blood to clot and stop bleeding.
Excess platelets (600-1000) is thrombocythaemia, it is only significant with abnormal looking platelets, an abnormal bone marrow and absence of the Philadelphia chromosome. DocDavid[/QUOTE]

Can the cold sweats be explained by the high platelets as in your explanation of the the red cells? Carrying oxygen to the body tissue- to much oxygen in the blood will give you excessive sweats??? Does this make sense?

Doc David

October 30, 2006 at 10:48 pm

You are in my prayers, added to all the others who care about you. God bless.


Doc David

May 23, 2006 at 7:20 pm

When USA GBS Forum was down I connected with GB and found Doc David very helpful info. My prayers are with him.

Doc David

May 19, 2006 at 6:45 pm

I belileve I have his email address at work. I have been worried about him as I have not seen him around. I’ve got to do that Tuesday. Here in Canada, it is the Victoria Day Weekend, Monday off as a Statory holiday. Most of us call it the May two four weekend for buying a 2-4 of beer, lol. I hope that Doc is ok.