Yup, today is the day!!!! for Jamie. The last I heard anyway. She’ll probably deliver a baby that has a red dye on him from all the cherries she ate!!!
Got the coolers full ( long necks ) and snacks galore for tonight. Geez, thanks Jan, how could I forget the Eagles? In real life, they sing to me on my CD in my car-and you talk about cranking it up!!! You have got to ride with me sometime-nobody likes my loud music-such spoil sports, I say-sooooo they don’t ride with me anymore. We’ll have to save Brett for the folk music era, caus Norb’s van fits right in.
Oh, and Jan-yup, you take the shoes then—go go boots are more fashionable with my hot pants anyway.:D But, hey I got a pr of plaid bell bottoms that were stylin (about 40 years ago)-some of you were probably still in diapers or how does that saying go? a tear drop in your mother’s eye?
Save that parking spot right in front of the tavern for Carol and Norb for their(our) party van-close to the bar in case we gotta run(or stumble) in for more refreshments and use the restrooms…….
Norb-turn that radio up-you got any quad speakers so we all can hear the great music of the great times?
Brett-got the mike hooked up, just in case you feel so inclined to entertain us with a song or too.