Continuing to to get better

July 28, 2006 at 3:04 pm

I am now able to walk further on the walker only my knees start to buckle after a while and they make me have to stop. I keep on trying to walk even on my own and try the stairs on my own. Going down the stairs are the hardest and most times I have to go down them on my butt. Other then that things are going well. I am saving up. I sold one of my paintings for 75 dollars and so that means that it is going to make it get easier a little to get some extra money. I hope to sell some more paintings as it really would help me get money I need to get to the symposium. So all in all my painting and artwork is helping me get some money as well as it being therapeutic for me so this is pretty cool. Hopefully my mom will help out as well. She wants to wait and also she wants to know how much this trip woll cost altogether.

Hope that all of you are doing well,