
June 24, 2009 at 10:54 pm

For some reason God woke me up continually last night and told me to pray for you and for Connor. Everytime he woke me up I prayed until I fell back to sleep. Maybe there is a battle going on and the good side is going to win if prayers are said. Please know you are covered and keep us posted on Connor. Also, I agree about the x-ray. What do you have to lose. Better safe than sorry.


June 21, 2009 at 4:16 pm

We have been praying and praying that this think is nothing and that Connor is fine. the hospital last week for Selah’s weekly infusion and the head of the rehab was walking behind us. We know her because Selah spent a month in the rehab at the hospital when they thought she had GBS. She observed my other child, Clark, while he was walking and looked at me and said “he is pigeon toed” and I said yep. I have taken him to our locally pediatrician and he said that this problem originates in his hip and the only way to fix is to break his leg bones. The rehab lady said to Clark, do you fall a lot? Clark said no. She said do you run as fast as some of the other kids in your class at school? Clark said yes. She looked at me and said ” don’t worry about it”. I hold he in high esteem so. We are not going to stop praying.