CNS- Contrast, Tratments ndother Picture Post Cards
Hi, Folks!
I’ve stayed away from the Forum because it seems just rough? Does ANYONE else feel as if the Doctors have just stuck “Us” w some diagnosis they ca’t efectivelytreat, use itto run up a huge bill then just cast “Us” aside?!
I’m sorry- if anyone has an idea ofhow to get apropr Prognosis from a Practitioner, let me know. I’m a single parent living out in the country in a big old farmhouse w steps everywhere and a 3 acre yard, the treatments (Cell-Cept, Prendisone (IvIg had no effect) And where I’m stil walking, driving, etc- I AM deteriorating, slowly and te prendisone has made my bones brittle, old breaks going unstable. (Enough complaining) Ijustwould liketo kow how one gets a straight answerfrom these Docs? Do they tell me’m “doing Great” because I “should/could” be so much worse, orarethey trying to keep mehopeful? Oris this just some scm to milk the Ins Company?
I’m. actually dead serious and would lieyour uput. I can deal w bad news, but NO news doesn’t “get it?”
Meanwhile, thanksfor observing my Rant- God e with You All- keep up thefight!