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Hi everyone I made a 98 on my powerpoint. The teacher said I was well prepared very knowledgeable, did a lot of research. She appreciated the fact that I chose such a personable topic. I do not know why but this was therapeutic for me. Explaining the illness made me realize how much my husband suffered.
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Hi everyone I did the powerpoint presentation today. I think I did well. We were graded on the students and the teacher. This was very therapeutic for me. Until I did the power point I wanted my husband to be with me. Doing it made me realize he suffered a lot. I got through the presentation without crying. Some of the students after class told me I did a very good job explaining what it is and how it effects people. Some of the students said they had heard of it but did not know much about it. I will let you all know what my grade is on the powerpoint. Thanks everyone for their input.
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Hi everyone I am doing my outline tonight for my power point presentation that is due Monday. One of the points I want to make is how if effects your life personally. I know in my situation is was quite sad for me to watch my strong husband not be able to do things he used to love. He told me once he missed working in the yard. You may send me a private message if you want. Thanks