Chest pain…
I have experienced chest pain ever since I came down with CIDP 6 1/2 years ago. At my worst, while I was inpatient at Mayo for 3 months, they would do an EKG each time, just to make sure it was not heart related. I think at that time it might have had something to do with the “band” of nerves under the breasts that many with CIDP & GBS have talked about. It is actually a band of peripheral nerves located around the chest that tightens when the rest of the peripheral nerves are being attacked. It feels like a rope is being pulled around the body.
I rarely get the chest pain anymore, unless I am overly tired; but then it is more than just my chest that is painful, it usually will include my shoulders, upper arms, etc. Having said all of that (that it is probably related to CIDP & not your heart), do get at least one EKG just to make sure…
Chest pain…
I used to get those same type of pains in my chest a lot when I first came down with CIDP. When I was inpatient at Mayo back in 2002 I actually had 3 EKGs because they were so severe. It wasn’t heart related, but I now believe that they have something to do with the “tight band” so many of us have talked about in the same region.
There is actually a band of peripheral nerves that runs around this area, right under the breast, that can be affected by both GBS & CIDP. I still get the “band” if I slouch for too many hours in my recliner, especially if I am talking a lot. I also get the chest pains if I am overly tired, if it’s during the day I take 3 Advil & wait it out, if it’s near bedtime I will take half a Lortab & the pain does go away…
I am so glad you will be getting IVIG, I have a feeling it will work wonders for you!
Blessings, Pam
Chest pain…
I used to have a lot of chest pain when I first got CIDP & I know it was from the illness, not any heart problems. I know, because the first 3 times it happened, I was inpatient at Mayo & they did EKGs. Besides, I was only 48 at the time & a woman. But I remember having to take vicidin when I got that kind of pain, I rarely get it anymore (I am 4 1/2 years out now.)
chest pain
I started with leg and lower body to the point of not being able to walk, had IVIG and gabepentin and morphin to manage. Now my upper body including my chest is hurting but my legs have pain but no weakness. I have a appointment next week and am hoping for more IVIG for upper body.. Also got a heating blanket for sleep , Man does it work at night , But the chest pain is bothersome as it was not told to be a sympton but its the same pain in my arms and hands..:(
Chest pain…
I’d like to go a step further than to just say that it is a residual from GBS, which I believe it is. I think I have the same chest pain, but not nearly as often as I did the first two years. I now believe that it is muscle pain, that is the only way I can describe it. I have had two EKGs for it, both coming back normal. Whe I get it bad enough, I take a half of vicidin.
My other theory, at least in my case, is that it is caused by my anxiety disorder, which I have had for years. When it feels more like chest pain from anxiety, then I take an extra klonipin. In either case, I don’t worry anymore about it being anything related to my heart. It is scary, but if I take the right medication, I can get it to go away…