Before and Success After
July 12, 2010 at 8:08 pm
[QUOTE=Dick S]…________ CIDP took that from me. It took my career (as)______________. It also took my ability to__________ After CIDP, I could not__________ I lost my_______ I lost my_______…
My priorities are completely different. I like being out there,_______ but what the heck, I am out there and I can still have fun.
It is my choice whether I have fun or not, right?[/QUOTE]
Yes, you are right. I took your quote and turned it into a fill in the blanks game for any of us to take. That is the Before part. Wallow in it at the sufferer’s own peril.
The After is your success story. That is GREAT! The best thing anybody can do, and you have emphasized it in other posts, is HAVE FUN. And, as you also say- don’t overdo it.