Shirley, what I remember is that the doctor said that you could take up to 100 mg a day of B6 and that personally he recommended 50 mg a day with a good diet ((which would mean likely variety including vegetables and meat and not all junk food)). The problem discussed was that too much B6 can lead to peripheral neuropathy. Lots of people think that any unneeded B vitamins are just pee’d out and therefore safe, but he was saying that you have to be careful not to get too little and not to get too much B6. The superB vitamins have too much and could make neuropathy worse.
The other big thing that was discussed was not to get too much zinc (a medicine that is now used a lot with belief that it affects the chance of getting a cold or getting over a cold–as zinc lozenges). Too much zinc leads to too little copper which can cause neuropathy. This is a relatively recently recognized problem. He said it is not known how much zinc is safe and so he recommends that people not take any extra than what you get in a regular diet. You have to have some zinc for the body because it is required for some metabolic (enzymatic) processes. My daily vitamin (Flintstones!) says that the recommended daily value for B6 is 2 mg and for zinc is 15 mg.
My Neurologist has me taking B6. It supposedly is good for nerve health. I was already taking a multivitamin and a fish oil capsule every day. I believe that I had a quick improvement and then it seemed to level out. I’ll take whatever little steps forward I can get.