AVANIR Pharmaceuticals Inc is developing AVP-923 (Zenvia, Neurodex)
Look under AVP-923….
From the NIH-
“…AVP-923, a combination of dextromethorphan hydrobromide and quinidine sulfate for the treatment of pseudobulbar affect [COLOR=”Green”]and neuropathic pain[/COLOR]…”
From the Manufacturer-
“…[I] AVP-923 for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
On April 18, 2007, AVANIR Pharmaceuticals announced positive top-line results from the Company’s Phase III clinical trial evaluating the investigational drug AVP-923, an NMDA antagonist and sigma-1 agonist,[COLOR=”Green”] in diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain[/COLOR]. The primary endpoint of the trial was based on the daily diary entries for the Pain Rating Scale as defined in the Special Protocol Assessment (SPA) with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In the trial, two doses of AVP-923, a high dose of AVP-923 dosed twice daily and a low dose of AVP-923 dosed twice daily, were compared to placebo based on daily patient diary entries for the Pain Rating Scale. Both AVP-923 treatment groups had lower pain ratings than placebo patients (p less than 0.0001 in both cases). Overall, the safety data from this study are consistent with data from previous studies….[/I]”