At least some of you can SWEAT?
I don’t when it’s needed, do when it’s not! Totally perverse.
Glad you liked that site, it chock full of goodies and heaps of pictures [some of them are scary for sure] of all sorts of skin issues.
By being aware tho? We can avoid the worst of the worst? The more we know and understand, or try to, the better we can beat this all.
Anyhow, I always have some ‘sippers’ w/me in the car, for when I mite need them. Should you feel a ‘grumpy type headache’ coming on? Sip some, or get a lemonade or other cold drink to help balance things out. The ‘grumps’ can come on suddenly, and it’s better to drink a warm liquid, than none at all. WE can’t TELL when we are going off keel, so we have to take precautions – just in case.
Hoping everyone has or is going to get a weather break soon! I like warm? But not too too warm? This from one who has toes that turn BLUE when the temp is below 73!
Everyone have a great weekend!