If you needed glasses you would wear them. If you needed insulin you would learn to take the shots. It sounds to me like you need the correct dosage of the appropriate antidepressant. Once you have become accustomed to the proper pills you should not be in any excessive mental fog. Of course this assumes you find a practitioner you trust.
I have no medical proof but I have always thought that CIDP causes depression. Not just situational distress – but actual biochemical changes in our bodies.
Please reconsider your distain of “happy pills”.
I have been diagnosed with CIDP for 8 years. Over time almost all my friends have scurried on with their lives and I don’t mind. To have a friend you must be a friend – and I just don’t have the energy to be involved in group activities. Lots of days just getting dressed is a major accomplishment for me.
The folks here on the forum are probably the only people who truly understand your frustrations. Most people can’t understand an invisible illness like CIDP. If you have stressors in your life that you cannot avoid, then you need to give yourself permission to actively ask for help. If there are people who you must constantly remind of your limitations then perhaps you should consider distancing yourself from them. There’s no rule that says family can’t be jerks.
You need to conserve your “good” times for your child.
Before I hop down from my soap box, I would like to encourage you to consider nutritional supplements to be certain that you are giving your body adequate resources for fighting the CIDP. This is a really steressful time of year even for healthy people.
Warm hugs,