Another week have past by
Im starting to be impatient I want more progress. I still have no real feelings still in my feet´s. and my knees are more and more weak, and my left foot is numb up to hips most of the time when Im walking. My hubby thinks that Im getting ahead of my self. becouse Im so eager to be indepentant and there for Im feeling all this resudant. Maby he is true and I realy hope so. But Im doing good and instead of talk much about how I feel I look forward and try to have each day as normal as I can, exsept Im still not making progress in making candles, so now Im going to do somthing else while im waiting and that is making scrappbooks for my kids and my self 🙂 I think it will be good for my hands to make somthing like that just to get some fine exercise for theim. Tons of love to you all, I do not know how I hade done with out you my internet family 🙂