Another GBS Video

July 18, 2007 at 2:06 pm

Hello all, This Video is a personal story that we should all see –it shows how family and God play a role in recovery.
I think it is very important that family be there everyday–even every minute with someone with GBS especially if they are Totally Paralyzed and on a vent for this is a time they need support the most and this is a time you can watch the treatment that they get and make sure they are not being abused by the hospital staff–sadly this does happen more than you may think and in my case 30 years ago in a VA hospital while on active duty I with the help of the Swine flu Shot they gave me was in this Paralyzed State and was abuse BADLY evrything from Verbal, Physical, and yes Sexual, RAPED while paralyzed so don’t think it can’t happpen, keep a close eye on your family member or friend with this disorder or others disorders that can leave them Paralyzed.


Another GBS Video

July 7, 2007 at 3:07 am

I hope these are helping some. God Bless
