
November 8, 2010 at 10:57 pm

Age is a big factor as well when it comes to applying for SSD, as the govt.considers most people over 50 unemployable if they are looking for new employment. Try getting it on your own first, as a lawyer will take around $5,000 of what you are entitled to, a lot of money if it is as all possible to get it on your own. Good luck…


October 17, 2010 at 9:02 am


i am 46 , i was dx in june of this year. i too am very stubborn and rufused to go to the hospital till i could hardly walk or lift my own arms. that was at the end of may. i was first told it was GBS. went thu 5 days if ivig. i relapsed at the start of july , got another 5 days of ivig.dx changed to CIDP, relapsed at the start of august this was the worst one i couldnt dress myself , was unable to stand in the shower or even lift my arms to wash my own hair. im now on 100g if ivig every two weeks. and have started chemo.

the docs have no idea what triggered my CIDP

Keep fighting … I AM
