a wee ray of hope!!
hi there, you have had lots of good replys, info and suggestion – which no doubt you are contemplating etc.
Just wanted to let you know i was promptly diagnoised 3 yrs ago at the age of 34 with CIDP. I have 3 children, the youngest had just turned 2, 2 weeks before my first admission, and the others were 4.5 and 6 yrs. I was the primary caregiver yet also working partime and very physically active.
Please dont give up on not getting better – it all depends on your treatments and responses to them.
At my lowest i was a quadraplegic (it still traumatises me thinking back to that dark time) yet am now 99.% back to normal! (This is thanks to a great doc and very regular combination of treatments) Am running long distance, climbing mountains, in training for my first half ironman, and just yesterday returned from a 6 week trip of a lifetime with my family exploring the canadian rockies and national parks.
I am not cured, but am aiming to be 😉 , have learnt lots about MY cidp and how to cope with it and the symptoms at different levels, and am everyday sooo greatful for being able to do what i can!!! (Oh the personal satisfaction of being able to feed oneself and to shower independantly!!)
All the best to you and your family, stay strong and hang in there!!!!