Reply To: Info/tips on residual GBS symptoms?
Assuming that this is indeed GBS, it sounds as though you had a relatively mild case, which is good reason for optimism. I am five years out and am doing well, but have a small number of residual symptoms. The main one is some residual numbness in one foot, which can sometimes affect walking and other physical activity. I have had some other (mostly muscular) issues elsewhere in the same leg , but can’t be sure whether or not this is connected with the GBS. I have also had a change in bladder control and behavior, but given my age, that could possibly be coincidental as well. I had a lot of numbness, tingling, and other really uncomfortable weirdness in my legs, but it faded over 2–3 months after I got home Other than these things, I am just about 100% recovered. Given what I went through (inability to walk, a month in the hospital (including three weeks in rehab, some really bad pain), I feel pretty darned lucky. Once out of the hospital, I did PT, a supervised exercise program for patients with neurological problems, and a lot of working out at home. My advice: do the hard work now; it’ll really pay off. Good luck!