Reply To: Two flair-ups since October

March 5, 2023 at 2:57 pm

One month after the plasma exchanges, I still have numbness and weakness.  I’d say I’m at 45-50% recovered, but it seems I’m stuck at this point.

My doc wanted to start Ivig this week and filed an emergency appeal with Anthem/Blue Cross and they once again rejected it as medically unnecessary.

So I finally went to see a lawyer that handled my family’s trust last Tuesday. He looked at all the rejection letters and took other relevant information and said he would call Anthem that afternoon or Wednesday morning.

Thursday morning my doctor’s office calls and says Anthem reversed their decision and Ivig infusions were approved! My lawyer said once he laid out my case, the cost benefit analysis shifted to my side.  In other words, 9 other people didn’t fight their decisions, but I did.  Anthem saved their money on the other 9 people and me, the squeaky wheel, wasn’t worth the fight.  So, if this happens to you, make sure you fight for yourself.

Yes, it just cost me a $1000 in fees, but in the state I’m in, I’m in NO MAN’S LAND.

I can hobble around the house, but my hands are still numb enough and shake a bit that I can’t work on my vintage watch collection because the parts are too small.

I can’t lift and yard work is hard to do with a cane, when you can’t reach the ground, and you run out of energy.

Getting out of a chair is still difficult and getting off the ground, I did a test, and it took all of my strength to pull myself up and it was a close call.

With Ivig treatments, I fully expect to be functional by the end of the month. Of course, if I have the usual positive reaction.   Wish me luck!