Reply To: Anemia Due To CIDP?

January 20, 2020 at 6:27 pm

Thank you so much for posting! I know it was some time ago, but I’m going through something similar. My hemoglobin, hematocrit and RBC are all low, and have been decreasing for about 18 months. However, my TIBC is low and transferrin is low normal, so I was curious to know if CIDP can cause anemia of inflammation/chronic disease. My eGGR had also been going out of whack, then it’ll be fine, then I’m back to suddenly level 3b kidney disease. There’s no lead up to it, my kidneys are just suddenly in and out of ‘acute kidney failure’.

For most of my life doctors just want to blame everything in CIDP, and stop doing any tests, which is really frustrating! At this point, I’m lucky to have a really amazing hematologist in an oncologist office who loves rare diseases and weirdness. Well, I’m your girl!

Jim-LA, thank you for sharing! I’m ready glad I found this post, it gives me hope that doctors are working to figure out what’s going wrong.

Currently my HGB is sitting in the low to middle 9s, but my bloodwork is a trainwreck so there are positive results all over the board: WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, hematocrit, Neutrophils, eGFR, Albumin, TIBC, A/G ratio (0.6) are all low. Calcium is high off and on.
Next week I see the hematologist again.