Reply To: Anti-MAG treatment update

February 5, 2018 at 2:10 pm

Hi Christophe,

You said IVIG treatments were helping you but you stopped 4 years ago because of an allergic reaction. My neurologist prescribed the IVIG at a slow 200 ml / hour rate. The nurse at the hospital says almost all their IVIG patients have a 300 ml / hour rate. I also get a 1000 ml bag of saline for one hour before the IVIG. The nurse said the slow 200 ml / hr IVIG rate and pre-saline for one hour may help prevent allergic reactions.

What rate did you have for your IVIG treatments?

Has your condition remained stable or slowly progressed since you stopped the IVIG 4 years ago?

I have noticed after 6 – 7 weeks of IVIG I can walk faster. I did not expect much improvement from IVIG treatment but my neurologist prescribed 6 months of IVIG since improvement can be very slow. I think you are right that IVIG is usually the first line of treatment, probably followed by Rituximab.
We can hope that the anti-MAG drug will be a much better treatment but the clinical trials will take a number of years.
