Reply To: Support and Motivation
Hi. So that’s where I got the title/author of that book from! (My undiagnoseable ADD is worse since the onset of GBS.) At first I lost about 30#, then the doctors put me on allergy meds and an antidepressant for my lifelong insomnia…and I ballooned up to just shy of 200#. Some allergy meds knock me out and insomnia meds make gain weight. Bad combo just out of the hospital! I was “sleeping” almost 20 hours each day. After several weeks, I noticed my body wanting to move but my brain vetoing that. Doctors wouldn’t change the meds, so I changed them myself. I stopped gaining weight, but it has been very hard to exercise to lose it again. I, too, have trouble comprehending how I look. I’ve always been athletic, active, definitely not an overeater, so this change in weight and physical ability is frustrating.
I go back-and-forth between trying to get as much rest as I can when the fatigue is worst and staying as active as possible. I’ve been dealing with an unrelated issue for the last 13 months that has taken most of my physical and mental energy (cleaning up my Dad’s affairs after he died…and his 2nd wife’s death 3 years prior: they were borderline hoarders with a huge house).
Time to take the bull by the horns and rip them right off! Finding an appropriate job and getting as close as possible to my previous level of health…prioritizing 3 hours at a time. I’d say I “get mad” as motivation to exercise, but that isn’t quite accurate (anger wastes energy). I take a deep breath and get done what I can until I have to rest. Que sera, sera.
Thanks for reading…