Reply To: Miller Fisher – Double Vision worsening!
Hi Angeliflow,
I had many of the same type of MFS symptoms that you have described which began for me back in June 2014, so I am 2 years out. My trouble began following a Tdap vaccine with pain in my right eye and numbness in my face. Then I had this ascending numbness and weakness that went from my toe up my body as my head and face symptoms worsened. I had the double vision and balance issues along with so much pain and pressure. At the same time I nearly lost the ability to walk, could not use my hands well and eventually had problems chewing and speaking. It was the most terrifying time in my life. For several months, I struggled wondered how debilitated this would make me and if I would survive. I did not have very caring doctors at this time but I received good physical therapy and massage therapy. I had one physical therapist who helped me get my strength back with my legs and hands and another that helped me do exercises to fix my eye and balance problems. The help I have received through Physical Therapy was amazing! You may want to check into this if you can. I had a few relapses along the way but the worst for me was about 3 or 4 months. It’s a slow recovery process! Just hang in there and don’t give up. I have some residual weakness that I can still tell in the places that were hit the hardest but it doesn’t really hold me back. I went so long with this before I found out that balance and vision are affected if the eye muscles aren’t working exactly right to keep the image that you see in the right place. Oftentimes, this can be fixed with the right eye and balance exercises. Just thought I would share since it helped me so much. Good luck in recovery and stay positive!