Reply To: Progressive Neuropathy/Atypical CIDP – Neuro wants 3 month IVIG

June 24, 2016 at 9:45 am

Tim, welcome and good luck. 2 things get my attention first, your question is directed at a very small sub-group. Be that as it is, the Second thing is this from elsewhere on the GBS website: “Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) is a rare condition that causes weakness without significant loss of sensation.”

Emphasis on without loss of sensation.

the article is here:

A partial answer to your question is… “E. Treatment with cyclophosphamide or human immune globulin (HIG) can produce useful functional improvement in patients with MMN. Improvement in strength after treatment with HIG (for example 1 g/kg/day x 2 days) is common (50% to 70% of cases), but the length of benefit is variable, lasting from 2 weeks to 6 or more months. The dose and frequency of subsequent treatments is based on individual patient response.”


How fast a patient recovers with treatment for multi focal motor neuropathy (mmn) lessens in importance in relation to how long the treatment is effective.