Reply To: Anemia Due To CIDP?

May 14, 2016 at 1:50 pm

I was diagnosed with CIDP two years ago and have had two IvIg treatments so far with Privigen. A recent blood test has shown that I have pernicious anemia. I am a 51 year old male and my Doc is a little concerned that I am anemic. We have just taken a blood test, to test for myeloma and HIV, which is freaking me out. My general Doc is unsure if there is any relation to CIDP and or treatments for it that may cause anemia. In reading this forum, it sounds like it may not be totally uncommon? I believe it is nearly impossible for me to have HIV, I have been tested in the last two years, and I think the coincidence of having CIDP and Myeloma a little unusual. Has anyone else been diagnosed with pernicious anemia? Any info would help to ease my mind!