Reply To: New symptoms worried

January 25, 2015 at 11:46 pm

Your symptoms sound a bit like mine and I have CIDP and a variant called Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS). It is the MFS that I think you may want to look into as a possibility. There is a good booklet about it here:
Additional info and other resources can be found here:

Another possibility might be Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN). An estimated 60-70% of Diabetics suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Read a DPN informational brochure here:
Additional info and other resources are here:

If it seems you may have MFS and you want to confirm or deny it, you should contact an experienced neuromuscular doctor.

GBS symptoms can last several years and it takes the body a long time to regrow damaged myelin from GBS/CIDP/MFS attacks. I still have symptoms 7 years since my initial attack. Nor has all my face numbness disappeared. Some of us with more severe attacks will have residuals the rest of our lives. Have you had IVIg and Plasma Exchange treatments? Recently?