Reply To: Does anyone deal with Cronic muscle pain, fatiuge and Limited activies?

August 26, 2014 at 10:16 pm

Thanks for the Imput. We just moved to Seattle so im in the process of trying to find a good Neuro. I also have been diagnosed with Another autoimmune disorder. Before i got GBS, 1 year before, i contracted Chickenpox as an adult, not shingles but full blown chicken pox for the 2nd time that turned into mild encephalitis. So Docs think something else may have been going on before hand. Maybe my fatigue, muscle and nerve pain is from this other disorder, they are not sure what it is, but at this point i may never know because docs dont have every answer but im trying to narrow it down and hear every persons individual experience, its helping. I have seen many Neuro’s and docs and have heard several different opinions. But for sure GBS because of the unmistakeable onset of paralyses in 72 hours and nerve testing. I’ve heard of some people who dont completely recover from GBS. But I will ask at my next appointment about CIDP. Good to hear that your recovering. ANd thank you for your response